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At some point in most people’s lives, they go through a breakup. This is actually not as painful as you think. Your task is just to follow a few simple rules, which will help you to get rid of obsessive and unnecessary thoughts and to use parting as an impetus to moral growth.

Out of sight, out of mind!

The first thing you need to do, is to get rid of any reminders: delete photos from your phone, erase all your conversations and stop tracking your them on social media. You’re even allowed to block them if you need to.

Control your thoughts

Yes, at first it seems impossible. But this is not about erasing him completely from your thoughts. In time, you will learn to steer those thoughts in the right direction. One effective way is to focus on the negative aspects of your relationship. As soon as you catch yourself thinking about him, remember what you most disliked about your partner and your relationship, in particular. Over time, you will replace resentment with forgiveness, and guilt with humility.


Taking care of yourself at such moments is a necessity. Sign up to a gym, go to a beauty salon or spa treatments, visit places where your ex never wanted to go; museums, exhibitions, operas. Engage yourself, you have one life and you should not spend even a small part of it crying over a person with whom you have no future.

Help those in need

Volunteer your time to charities that need your help. It is reliably proven that helping those in need brings more happiness into your life. You may only need to examine the life of someone who is less fortunate, and you will feel gratitude for all that you have.

Draw conclusions

In order to grow, you must be able to objectively analyze situations and learn from your mistakes. Don’t blame your partner for your errors, in the end it was your choice. You must understand that the responsibility for your future lies only with you.

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